Whatsapp : a text messaging app

For the last couple of days, i have been playing with this app for text messaging on smartphones called Whatsapp. Its an app that allows smartphone users to text each other in realtime (pretty much the same experience like chatting on gTalk or skype). But what’s special about this one?

  • No sign-up required, it directly integrates with the contacts in your phone and whoever is using this app, will show up on your Whatsapp chat list.
  • Allows you to share images, videos, audio, your current location, contacts inline in the chat dialog.
  • Has group chat.*
  • Allows scheduling of messages/texts to be sent at a later time.*
  • Works on Wi-Fi, 3G, 2G (GPRS).*

I have tried apps similar to Whatsapp namely Kik, Beluga but these are currently limited to iOS and android. What makes Whatsapp fit my needs is the fact that it is available for nokia and blackberry devices too. Since most of my friends use nokia phones, there is a higher probability that i can find most of my contacts using Whatsapp.

This app costs 99 cents(~Rs 50) on the iPhone app store but is free for all other platforms. The service although is free for the first year, it costs $2 from the second year. In my opinion for $2 (~Rs 100) a year, its a steal!

Download link